Basic safeguarding guidelines for events
For the protection and safety of all children/vulnerable adults attending our Events, we ask that all attendees follow these guidelines.
- Parents/ Guardians attending with children must take full responsibility for and maintain supervision of their charges.
- If a Speaker/Workshop facilitator brings children/ vulnerable adults to the Éigse and due to her/his duties is unable to maintain a supervisory role, they must delegate that role to an adult known to them and considered ‘safe' by them.
- If, during workshop/talks, children/vulnerable adults need to leave the venue through illness/need for the bathroom etc., they must be accompanied by parent/guardian or (designated) delegated adult.
- Children must not be outside in the grounds unsupervised. They must be accompanied at all times by Parent/Guardian
- As with adult attendees, all children attending must be signed in, by themselves or Parent/ Guardian.
Thank You