Shared Selling Space

If there is enough interest there can be a shared craft market and selling space at the gathering! 

This area is not intended to take any focus away from the presentations and workshops but rather work as an 'add-on' to the weekend!

You can bring any items that would be appropriate, such as-

  • Books you have written / published
  • CDs or movies you have recorded
  • Crafted items
  • Holistic goods
  • Paintings, etc

* Please ensure that all items are clearly priced and if possible rounded up or down to make giving change back easier.

This will not be a 'manned' space so making a sign or some way to let people know who to go to if they are interested in buying anything or have any questions, would be useful.

* You will also need to bring anything with you needed to display your items (small table etc) as nothing like that will be provided. Bearing in mind that space is extremely limited to display your items.

* You are responsible for your own items at all times, the Éigse organisation team bear no responsibility for any iteams that may be broken, go missing etc

** You will need to buy a general event and acomodation (plus meals if required) ticket in advance if you wish to avail of this service **