Oein DeBhairduin - 'Lašūl a labērt' - the flowers of exchange.
Oein DeBhairduin is a writer, activist and educator with a passion for preserving the beauty of Traveller tales, sayings, retellings and historic exchanges. Oein is the author of the award-winning Why the moon travels and Weave. He is the Traveller Culture Collections Development Officer with the National Museum of Ireland and seeks to pair community activism with cultural celebration, recalling old tales with fresh modern connections and, most of all, he wishes to rekindle the hearth fires of a shared kinship.
[Source Skein Press bio]
For more information, visit https://skeinpress.com/writer/oein-debhairduin/
Workshop for Éigse 2023: 'Lašūl a labērt' - the flowers of exchange.
An exploration of the Irish indigenous nomadic Mincéirí people's tradition of making charms that captivates, creates and cultivates.
Utilising in this space, paper as an opening into the traditional craft, but not limited in use for leaf and cloth and all sorts of materials have been a fair welcomed companion of wild creativity that rests at the heart of an elder practice finding new forms and formates in the modern age.