2023 Speakers RSS

Jack Roberts - The divine image of the Gaels

Jack Roberts is an independent researcher, artist, and author who has been studying Irish archaeology, mythology, and history for over four decades. His work has focused on the incredibly broad spectrum of ancient monuments that can be found on the Irish landscape, and especially the less well-known aspects of Ireland's archaeological and historical heritage. He will be presenting his work on Sheela-na-gigs at the upcoming Éigse festival in Ireland. The title of his workshop is The Divine Image of the Gaels.

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Deirdre Wadding - `Tar anseo chugam / C'mere to me `

Deirdre Wadding, a former primary teacher, professional Storyteller, Soul Healing practitioner and lapsed County Councillor is founder/teacher of Coire Sois School of Irish Spirituality.  In this interactive workshop, we will look at the importance of using our native language when engaged in Irish Pagan practice. We will learn how to open a sacred circle in basic Irish, call on Deity, create a simple prayer, and offer gratitude and blessings.

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Oein DeBhairduin - 'Lašūl a labērt' - the flowers of exchange.

Oein DeBhairduin is a writer, activist and educator with a passion for preserving the beauty of Traveller tales, sayings, retellings and historic exchanges.  His workshop for Éigse 2023: 'Lašūl a labērt' - the flowers of exchange, will be ann exploration of the Irish indigenous nomadic Mincéirí people's tradition of making charms that captivates, creates and cultivates.

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